Sunday, August 5, 2007


Cyberjaya was the area again, but this time it was Multimedia University's turn; a quiet secluded spot in Cyberjaya, this campus was all decked up for Gegar U on that Saturday morn.

Aiman goes back to work

There wasn't a lot of buzz except for the Celcom and Power Root folks setting up their stalls.

Our crew left ICOM around 6am that morning in a van and reached around 6:45 to setup for the day. Pianoman arrived and Shir Li was onto her job (hyrdaulic operations).The crew on that day was a very efficient crew and they had the stage setup in less than half an hour.

Who can do it faster???

70 Kilos being lifted by the crew

... while the road is taped??? huh, road? tape ah?

Gloves and tape? something is fishy...aye!

The most worked of them all, the wear and tear taken by the gloves and tape, none can tell!

Since the setup routine is in their heads with cables being properly labelled and microphone designs fixed in their memory, their efficiency surely must be at a high and thus the ever-increasing speed of setup. There used to be a time when at least 2 to three hours was allocated only for setup. Gone are those days!

So, what's the plan boys?...hmm, Aiman to be carted down the slope...
look below

....there he goes.

This time around Shir Li was put in charge of the stage (a rehearsal for the finals in Penang), at first she seemed apprehensive, but when the walkie-talkie was handed to her, the responsibility started to kick in. There were almost 7 bands on the day, with a few impressive female vocal performers trying not to lose their intonation and did quite a good job, which got them a place in the finals. A few 'rocker' acts with clumsy pummelling of the drums brought about humor on a few faces. But unity is the name of the game and music flowed through the gates of consonance and also perfect dissonance!

Brief, brief, oh please be brief!

She did a fine job for the day, coordinating soundchecks with Nilesh and Nian Tze on the other end and trying not to lose her cool with the inevitable eventualities of running a stage.

...Madame Tussauds could do with this pose

Technical director hinting '...not enough lows, perhaps?'

Backstage activities...



and mackerel!

...reload please?

PM takes a shot too!

Project Rush in swing

An MMU band playing for unity

and voila, they did make it!

The event, being done, tear down was blooming in full swing and it took not more than 30 minutes. With racks, boxes stationed to a side, playful minds began to kick in and therefore the trolley was now made handy with Chief engineer Nian Tze and Stage manager Christina taking voluntary turns and a reluctant Shir Li who thought it was the most frightening thing. This was the crew's share of fun for the day.

...where to chief?

up next... Stage manager and Chief engineer have their laughs

The MMU crew strikes a weary smile

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