Sunday, August 19, 2007


All roads shall lead to Penang! That must have been the motto of the eager finalists who made their way to Penang with their bodies, roadies, and Nasi Kandar homeys. Penang has always been a favorite to many Malaysians as well as tourists, not just for its history but also for its varied gastronomy. And lo, the same motto was shared amongst our anxious ICOM-GEGAR U crew. The crew for the finals comprised of Shir Li, Aiman, Joe, Kim, Tien, Radin, Jae Haan and Alice. And not to forget our most crucial and critical of them all- stage manager Christina (who, by the way earned a delightful nickname in the course of two days at PISA- which...let's just stay mum for now) and Chief engineer Nian Tze.

The facade of PISA

The ICOM-PISA (Penang International Sports Arena) crew were in Penang for almost four nights, of which, 2 days were mostly spent on site either soundchecking, brooding, doodling or any other activity that could keep their spirits going. All in all, the crew made sure they had their share of fun either at the comfortable serviced apartments where they were put up or on site.

15th August was setup time in front of the main PISA entrance with the extended stage facing the main entrance. Our speakers were put up and the crew who arrived from KL joined in later that evening for a full setup, line check and system tuning.

Joe: 'Speaker, speaker on the wall...aye I thought floor ma???'

Nasi Kandar was there to accompany the weary stomachs and briefings were carried out while our beloved PM and Nilesh entertained the crowd until yawns carried all of them out.

Lift, lift, who's there?

...Ah, Tien!

Stage manager prepares the roster

...while Joe, Shir Li and Alice feast on Nasi's thunder!

...Aiman, Aiman, where art thou? Up here, where else?

Crew being entertained by Zailan

16th August
was the day where the real action began; soundchecks for the finals. All the bands had to report backstage to Joe, who was desginated the liaison officer for the finals- coordinating with bands and making sure they were lined up for their soundchecks in time. He did a pretty fine job of it- entertaining bands with his quizzical looks (translated as either 'blur' or 'what???') or with his trademark 'copy, copy' over the radio. Joe has always been the target of many a jokes but he takes them with a lump of smile and that is what makes him a must-have-congenial crew member in production.

Joe: 'Do you copy? no, do I copy? copy? what copy? copy, copy, copy, ayya...when can I get my Kopi?

Isn't this a familiar site...oh indeed, stage manager de-constructing her patience

The stage and FOH duties were shared amongst various members of the crew and staff with Christina handling a chunk of the soundchecks with her newly acquired shades and trademark cap and bag. It has been a long, tedious and testing yet worthwhile experience for stage manager Christina; to think of her job and the other tasks involved is mighty indeed, but she braved the the load, braved the weary spirits, overcame the monotony, groomed her patience, learned a few more smiles and is definitely set for another Gegar U or a grand production- 'watch out, cos mamma's in the house!'

...are you being served? let me serve you the service of different kind.

...look boy, if it ain't working, there's the exit, now out you go.

On the other end of the snake Nian Tze and Alice along with Technical Director Nilesh and Technical Production Manager Vinay shared the mixing duties as there were almost 39 bands that had to be mixed over two days and it would have been impossible for one person to mix all the bands and still leave Penang without losing a few decibels off his or her hearing. For chief engineer Nian Tze, she has definitely come a long, long way technically and upped her personal ladder to take on the next leap in her career. She has been the quiet (at times bubbly) girl who's been faithful to her job and tasks. The work load that she carries out is at times more physical but that doesn't come in her way. She takes the plunge, whatever be the situation.

Chief engineer Nian Tze with a rare smile

The ingrained sounds of 'Boogie Wonderland' warmed the ears of the crew who were eager for the soundchecks to start so they could get their hands dirty. Any band that was in sight did their soundcheck and took their break and by noon a number of bands had been soundchecked.

Bands readying themselves backstage

...while the stage gets a quick makeover

Shir Li: 'would you like your microphone boiled or steamed sir?'

Shir Li, in her role as assistant stage manager did an impressive job as always; keen about details and minutiae, she probably worked out every single patch and microphone number in her head and made sure there was no chance of pandemonium striking in. A hard-working and enthusiastic girl, never one to show the tedium and the crew really enjoyed working with a girl of this nature! Bravo Shir Li.

...come on Stand, please stand.

The jovial ICOM Vice President- Operations with the crew during a break

and this one settles any fiscal aspirations...'boys, come along, here's your steaming bonus!'

Nian Tze and Kim share a laugh

While lunch was in session, crew members walked around backstage, took in the mist from the fans surrounding the stage and waited for the post lunch session to begin. When even took over the sky, the lights on site brightened up the atmosphere with a yellow and a green and a red and an orange and a purple and an amber interfering with waves and shone upon the musicians. The day was nearing its end, while the crowds that were gathered began to diminish and the crew prepared for an exit.

An evening soundcheck in progress

...must be to the tune of a certain Home boy

17th of August- the finals, the finals! The mother of them all, finally went underway post 9 am. The bands came, climbed up on stage, delivered their musical goods and egressed out of the spotlight. A few were confident, a few anxious, a few reticent, a few indolent, but they came and they went, and they came and they went in different moody shades. But hey, the objective was, spread the message and spread, did they? oh Gegar yea, spread, they did- the message of unity-local or global- through the consonant charms of rhythm, harmony, lyric and melody.

Judges taking in the sounds.

The judges, oh, they judged them all, right from morn, noon until even. It must be tiring, but they survived. The emcee for the finals was Sam, a jovial, humorous entertainer who made sure laughs were just what he had ordered and laugh did Huckle, Berry and Shandy! It is not easy to sustain one's ideas and emotions over the entire day and keep the crowd hooked, but Sam managed to keep his activities abuzz with his witty phrases and tricks slamming down upon everybody.

Sam, the emcee

Warna, warna!

Brother Sam wondering how much of a shove is needed???

...never mind the shove, let me just send him up!

aye... I thought ICOM staff were into audio production???

The afternoon began and saw a number of different bands playing it out for unity. A group from Lim Kok Wing had the crowd on their feet with the rendition of the national anthem hoping to impress the judges and everybody with their re-affirmation to national unity.

...alright, I mean business,...what can be done?

...oh boy, what could he be up to?

...I tell ya, this is madness!

...shall we all rise and sing for the nation...Negara Ku...

...Merdeka, go ga-ga, Merdeka, !

...and now, for unity in melody!

'Who are kings of the jungle...woof, woof?'

...Sammie wonder courting Sabah glamour

Wishing Well, the winner of the competition belting it out for unity

...sisters, I am talking soul!

The UTAR group which gained a cult following vying for the grand prize

...when lights go down, I see no reason...

The crew with management

18th August was the day when the winners were to be announced. And the crowd was anxious and so were the crew. Project Rush, the ICOM band had a performance that morning, their final one for the road at least within the competition category. Sam, as always did his best to keep the minds interactive at least till the winners were announced.

Chair, chair, musical chairs

Shir Li manning the console

Backstage talk: for the last time at Penang

Hush, hush: Project Rush

Come and take your bow crew: you deserve it!

Datuk Leela and CEO of ICOM Ms. Irene Savari

...and the winner is...

Third prize winner

Second prize

First prize: WISHING WELL

String or no string, Praise the Lord! We won the first prize!!!

Goodbye Warna, Warna!

It's that time of the day...tear down, tear down

Joe and the Wind

Chief Nian Tze unplugging: 'When will I do it again?'

...yee, urh, sahn, sur... ayyo

Time for a pep talk? na, it's over ma!

This cannot be happening!

I've got you under my...huh, hmm

The damage done!

...come on boy, the show is over!

All in all it has been a wonderful journey for the ICOM GEGAR U crew! What started in June took the crew all over Malaysia for the competition. They braved the weather- sun or rain, braved the conditions- bad or worse, they've been through it all and they're back safe, ready for another Gegar U (if there ever will be). The message was spread indeed, the crew itself- united in their stand represented unity in one manner. Hats off, readers, to this wonderful team that rendered their outstanding services for music, the country and unity. I hope you all enjoyed this blog and do drop by once in a while (especially the crew) to indulge in Gegar U nostalgia. Here's Agent Warna wishing you all the very best in your lives! Warna, Warna!

Agent Warna has left the building!


homegirl said...

Hats Off also for the ever hardworking Agent Warna, who takes all the wonderful and unique pictures and who has also become the in-house photographer! *Applause! Hmm...but still there is no picture of Agent Warna and.. your age is still a mistery... LOL! Alright.. till we have another Gegar U then... Corrections.. till U guys have a nother Gegar U! Cheers!

Chris said...

Well, I shall post your picture on my blog to give you the credit of your hard work on the gegar u blog and as the official photographer of everything!

There should not be any more Gegar U... :)

Agent Warna said...

Ah, so the twins have responded! How charmingly delightful. Well, Agent Warna can only say Xie Xie for the good times provided by the both of you. And my warna, warna apologies for the 'irritation' sponsored by me.

Good luck sisters!