Tuesday, July 17, 2007

UKM 10TH JULY 2007


Another drive 45 minutes out of KL and we arrived at UKM around 5:45 am and waited for our 'pianoman' or Rahman (movers) to arrive with the equipment. While the Gegar-U truck was already positioned, the crew waited as always and tried to contemplate the day ahead (that's if their minds were awake). Pianoman arrived and thus began unloading and awakening . We started setting up the stage and the sun slowly began to show up; by 7:30am setup was almost complete and then another wait began for the event to start during which a lot of grazing from FOH to stage went on, jokes cracked, giggles intruded and smiles cleverly converted to yawns.

`Edwin says 'this way', Aiman says 'you said that way,' Joe says 'anyway'

A few soundchecks were done, one with an 'error-filled-minus one CD' to which the performers actually sang 'in time' apparently they would have rehearsed to the same CD, so bravo for that!
The ICOM band scuttled in for their late soundcheck with stage manager and chief engineer denying them a soundcheck at first because of not being punctual! (That's the spirit ladies!). Let me also introduce the band as I haven't done it in the past blogs. Band leader Joseph a BTP student at ICOM on guitars, Steven Chelliah a BTP student on lead guitar, Nelson on bass guitar, Bong on drums, Ali Aiman on Keys, Thomas and Zariff on vocals.

'Boys, what can't you play?'

The ICOM band called 'Project Rush' have been involved in many of the events so far and they are a hardworking, enthusiastic bunch who fail to make it for sounchecks on time once in a while, make sure they take a nap between competitions and pull each others legs. These guys deliver the musical goods in the end!

ICOM band having fun on and off stage

PM: 'Alright, where am I?

While this was happening, the usual Gegar-U activities filled the atmosphere- writing unity messages, getting the crowd all perked up by various emcees until Serene took the stage and delivered her masked performance.

'How de?' Serene's masked charm

Stage manager: ' ...alright boy, you play while I munch!'

The bands that competed were all in the same league as what we had encountered before- few trying their luck with the right chord, right tone, right pitch and many- the right tuning. But as for the crew, the sun wore them out through the entire day, scorching above our heads and burning our skin. Crew members picked up Power Root drinks to quench their thirst, a few took a quick nap under the truck, a few just absorbed the sun. Tear down was on our minds continually.

Box 1 guy makes box 1 his bed

...that's the reason a song missed its guitar solo

Chief engineer Nian Tze striking her regular pose

Stage manager ponders about the nearest exit

Joe doing the power root rounds

UKM crew fresh as always1

Chief Engineer: ...of a certain 'takeaway'... yeah right!

Stage manager: ' ...how low?'

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