Wednesday, July 11, 2007



This was the first university Gegar U made its appearance at. It was very exciting for the crew as well as the college students. There were many bands that competed and all vying desperately for that top prize. As usual, the crew setup early and geared themselves for the routine soundcheck and the 'wait' during which a lot of observing, reflecting and boredom wearies them out before the event kicks off.

Chief engineer guiding assistant FOH engineer Alice

The view of the stage from the FOH station

The bands that competed, it seemed had done their fair bit of rehearsing as a few acts put on a decent show and were present during sound checks. Some bands were trying really hard during sound check but failed to impress during the competition- Nerves! All in all it was another hard day's of work with weariness entering everybody's mind at the earliest until home was near!

The UTAR crowd that filled the foyer

Serene Cheam performing at UTAR

The judges contemplating the fate while listening to the participitants

...while the backstage crew engage in their usual pleasantries

Stage crew fiddling as the bands compete

The smile that tear down brings upon the faces

Now, that's the Merdeka spirit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool Serene, coming out with the 1st tri-Album in malaysia. you know her, help me get her autograph. hehe